Looking for a licensed, reliable Cat sitter in Seattle?

Heading out on vacation? Travel stress-free knowing your fur baby is in loving, professional hands! With over 20 years of pet care experience in Seattle and caring for our own pets, we understand how hard it is to find a reliable pet sitter.

Starting at $29/visit

Pet Sitting in Seattle

Inquire About Cat Sitting Services, Today!

Servicing the Capitol Hill, Central District, Eastlake, First Hill, Leschi, Madison Park, Madison Valley, or Madrona neighborhoods of Seattle.

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We create customized care plans that meet the needs of you and your cat or dog. 

We will come visit your precious cat or dog while you’re away and give them lots of love and attention. As well as, clean the litter box for your cat, walk your pup, water plants, pick up mail, adjust lights, feed and administer medication. Playtime, pets and lots of love included. We also send regular check-ins to let you know how things are going. 

We are doing all we can to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Wearing masks in areas where social distancing is not possible.

Carrying sanitizing supplies and hand sanitizer

No contact pick ups and drop offs for dog walks (using our own leashes)

Continuing to practice social distancing personally and professionally



Capitol Hill area of Seattle


Call Us

206 691 8201


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