Put Your Pet First During The Holidays

Put Your Pet First During The Holidays

Yes, it’s the Holidays, But Put Your Pets First!   Don’t Forget Your Loyal Companions The holiday season is quickly approaching and there’s so much to do! Shopping, parties, and cooking, oh my! The holidays are a season of perfect gifts, wonderful memories and...

Keep Your Pets Safe This Summer

Summer is here and I can’t tell you how many dogs we see locked in cars, struggling with walking on hot days and owners who aren’t aware of the effect heat has on their pups. This is a great little visual reminder to help people out. Pass it along and hope...

Why You Should Never Discipline Your Cat

Cats are truly unique creatures. Unlike dogs, they’re very independent and their top priority is not to please us as dogs would. We know so much about training and working with dogs but with cats we can be at a total loss. We found a nice article which offers a...

Springtime Pet Tips

Brea and I love springtime especially here in the Seattle area! After spending the winter walking and working in rain, some sunshine and fresh flowers is extremely exciting to us and the dogs we walk! I can’t tell you how many times dogs in in our care have made...
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